UI/UX/3D/Product designer with a passion for learning and problem solving.

10 years of experience helping businesses and start ups build beautiful products. Experience in health & fitness, audio, communications and fashion.

Hasami Porcelain

A project to take the modular design of Hasami Porcelain, replicate it to scale in 3D and art direct motion and stills.

Post Social Inc.

A years long effort to build a better and healthier platform for communication with goals to mesh proximal and emotional networks.


Product rendering of Futuremood Studios eyewear, collaborative products with The Chainsmokers, Lil Yachty and charity work for Ukraine.


An exploration of creating procedurally generated two dimensional art using three dimensional tools.

Fun Stuff

A collection of works throughout the process of learning. Exercises meant to strengthen creativity and familiarity with various tools and processes.